Ingenique Solutions

Mitigating Proliferation Financing Risks for DNFBP in Malaysia 

In the ever-evolving landscape of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Countering Proliferation Financing (CPF) and Targeted Financial Sanctions (TFS), staying updated on the latest compliance regulations and remaining vigilant to risks is crucial for Reporting Institutions in Malaysia.   With the increasing concerns over the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, the Ministry […]

Latest Updates on Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering Regulations

Updated on 2023/07/20 The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Bill 2022 was passed by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong in December 2022. The new legislation, including the establishment of a registration regime for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (“DPMS”) and a licensing regime for Virtual Asset Services Providers (“VASP”), as well as […]

How to prepare for Law Society AML/CFT review – A checklist for busy lawyers

Since the implementation of Part VA of the Legal Profession Act on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, and the accompanying Legal Profession (Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism) Rules on 23 May 2015, the Law Society has conducted independent reviews on its members to assist the members in the compliance […]

The Importance of On-Going Monitoring

In Nov 2017, a veteran Managing Director lawyer with 15 years of experience in conveyancing work, and a Senior Marketing Director of an international real estate agent were both charged in the Singapore Courts for failing to report to the authorities a suspicious property deal in the Sentosa Cove district. The charges were under the […]

Management Oversight – Lessons Learnt from BSI AML Control Failures

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced on 24 May 2016 that it has served BSI Bank Limited (BSI Bank) notice of intention to withdraw its status as a merchant bank in Singapore for serious breaches of anti-money laundering requirements, poor management oversight of the bank’s operations, and gross misconduct by some of the bank’s […]